Bill on Malaysia's Anwar likely to get support in U.S. Congress

publiziert: Dienstag, 9. Jan 2001 / 11:07 Uhr

Kuala Lumpur - A bill submitted last year to the U.S. Congress demanding the release or retrial of Malaysia's jailed deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim is expected to be re-introduced this year with greater support, a U.S. official said on Tuesday.

A group of U.S. congressional staff, who are touring Southeast Asia, discussed the Anwar issue, together with other bilateral and regional matters, in a meeting with Malaysia's Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar. Asim Ghafoor, who is legislative assistant to Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, said Anwar's sacking and jailing was perceived in the U.S. as a "political issue."

"There are very strong concerns about the trial and the way it was conducted, and about the ongoing detention of the former deputy premier," he told reporters after the meeting. Asked if the congressional bill, which was submitted last October by seven congressmen, would be raised again this year, Asim said it was "likely, and it was likely it would get more support." "It's likely it will gather more momentum," he said, and clarified that it did not contain calls for economic sanctions or "any type of hammer" on Malaysia as the resolution would be non-binding.

However, he pointed out, "we don't want to be ignorant of the fact that when the U.S. speaks out, it may have an impact on the private sector and investment in Malaysia," he added. Syed Hamid told reporters that he explained to the visiting congressional staff about Malaysia's judicial system and due process of law. "I hope they will have a better appreciation of it," he added. He also said Malaysia hopes for a "better relationship, better understanding and better appreciation" with the in-coming Bush administration.

Ties between Malaysia and the U.S. turned frosty after Vice President Al Gore openly praised pro-Anwar anti-government demonstrators during a meeting of Asia-Pacific leaders in Kuala Lumpur in 1998. The proposed resolution to the U.S. congress was the latest irritant for Kuala Lumpur, which has accused Washington of meddling in its internal affairs. Anwar, who was sacked by Mahathir two years ago on grounds of sexual misconduct, is currently serving a total of 15 years in jail after he was convicted in two separate trials of corruption and sodomy.

He has denied all charges and claims he was framed in a Mahathir-orchestrated political conspiracy because he was too outspoken about corruption. The U.S. has been one of the strongest critics of Anwar's sacking and jailing, and the U.S. Senate two years ago adopted a resolution voicing sympathy for Anwar.


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