Bush win returns political dynasty to helm of U.S. politics

publiziert: Mittwoch, 8. Nov 2000 / 09:33 Uhr

Washington - By taking the White House in Tuesday's election, according to projections, George W. Bush not only humiliated his rival Al Gore but also restored his family's honour, dented by his father's loss to Bill Clinton eight years ago.

The victory of the Republican candidate also returns to the helm of U.S. politics a political dynasty that is matched in influence and mystique only by the Kennedy clan.

Unlike the Democratic heavyweights, the Bushes have appeared uncomfortable in the social limelight, lacking both the glamour of a Jackie and the charisma and scandalous appeal of a John F. Kennedy.

But like the other great political family from New England, they have maintained enormous political influence - putting three generations of leaders into public office this century.

Before the election, the Bushes were the only family in U.S. history to field two state governors at the same time, George W. in Texas and his brother Jeb in Florida.

Now they are the first in 176 years in which a son succeeds his father in the White House. The last time it happened, there was a 24- year period between the presidencies of John Quincy Adams and his father. This time the gap was just eight years.

With his victory, "Dubya" Bush exacted revenge and cast away a pall that has lain over the family name since his father's bitter 1992 defeat.

His mother Barbara has vowed time and again that her son would restore "honour, respect and dignity" in the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The former first lady was not the only relative to root for the Texan governor in a campaign that sometimes lent the clan the appearance of Bush Inc. Bush Senior, who was defeated after a one-term presidency, kept a relatively low profile, but Barbara and Jeb fought long and hard on the presidential campaign trail.

Even Jeb's son, also named George, was recruited to drum up support for the conservative candidate. With Anglo-Hispanic good looks, the youthful George appealed especially to Latino voters, a group previously seen as staunch Democratic supporters.

He also laid the foundation for a future role in politics in which he could carry on a family tradition that started with the new president's grandfather Prescott Bush, who was governor for Connecticut from 1953 to 1963.


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