Divers recover more bodies from sunken submarine

publiziert: Sonntag, 29. Okt 2000 / 12:49 Uhr

Murmansk - Russian and Norwegian divers Sunday recovered several more bodies from the sunken Russian nuclear submarine Kursk, news reports said.

The bodies were taken from the eighth and ninth compartments in the stern of the submarine, the ITAR-Tass news agency said after divers worked through the night to recover more of the 118 men killed when it sank.

"Divers have retrieved several more bodies of the Kursk's crew," Vladimir Navrotsky, the spokesman for the Russian Navy's northern fleet told the Interfax news agency. He did now say how many bodies had been recovered. The divers worked through the night to cut a hole through the thick rubber covering over the inner hull above the Kursk's ninth compartment, Navrotsky said. Clearing weather Sunday allowed a helicopter to bring four bodies recovered earlier to the ship's home port of Severomorsk, where a memorial service was held. The bodies had been retrieved Wednesday through an opening cut in the submarine's eighth compartment. Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev, speaking at the service where caskets containing the remains of the four crewmen were placed atop armored personnel carriers, said the cause of the disaster must be found to avoid any repetition of the sinking. He said the Kursk crew was the best in Russia's submarine fleet. "The crew loved the Motherland, the sea and the fleet. They inherited the best of the navy's traditions," Sergeyev said. "They understood the need to serve their country and carried out their duty. Forgive us and farewell." Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov said the remains of all the crew members would be recovered and the submarine itself will be raised from the floor of the Berents Sea. He said the cause of the sinking will be found, and the families of the crew will be the first to know.

Many Russians have questioned the need for the risky, expensive recovery effort. It has revived the emotional debate over how Russian authorities handled the accident, including the two-day delay in announcing the accident and longer wait before accepting foreign help in the failed rescue attempt. "Maybe they shouldn't have retrieved the bodies," Russian Orthodox priest Daniil Topolev, who served the first liturgy for the Kursk sailors after the accident, said Saturday. "You can compare this to as if people have been already buried, and then uncovered again." Officials had found a note in the pocket of one of the recovered submariners saying that 23 sailors had remained trapped alive in the ninth compartment for at least several hours after the powerful explosions that sank the submarine Aug. 12. Topolev, speaking on the grounds of his small church in the Barents port of Murmansk, near Severomorsk, said the fact that some of the sailors did not die immediately was significant in Orthodox tradition. "They had time to repent. That's already good. Those who died at once, maybe they had time to cross themselves and say: Lord, save us. And those who remained, could repent," he said. The cause of the disaster has not been determined. Russian officials have focused on the theory that the blasts were set off by a collision with another, possibly foreign, ship. But others have said the most likely cause was a torpedo exploding in its tube.


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