Foreign minister to convince sceptical Austrians of EU enlargment

publiziert: Montag, 8. Jan 2001 / 11:34 Uhr

Vienna - Foreign Minister Benita Ferrero-Waldner presented an information campaign on Monday aimed at convincing her sometimes sceptical country-people of the benefits of enlarging the EU.

The campaign would include telling the population about "strategic partnerships" planned by Austria with neighbouring states due to join the Union within about four years. Her foreign policy would be entirely centered on enlarging the EU, said Ferrero-Waldner, of the conservative People's Party (VP). "I am absolutely convinced that this project is right."

The campaign would address the main concerns of Austrians, such as fears about their own border regions with the EU candidates. Right-wing Freedom Party (FP) politicians and Social Democrat trade unionists fear that when the borders are thrown open, East European workers will flood in, depressing wages and taking jobs away from Austrians.

There are many demands in Austria for long transitional periods before the EU principle of freedom of movement of workers comes into force. Ferrero-Waldner said her aim was to "advise all sections of the population about details and sensitive points" of enlarging the EU. The information campaign would give details of her plan for a regional "strategic partnership" with EU candidates Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.

She planned a conference with these countries in May or June. In future, she said, there could be a regional conference before each EU summit. Ferrero-Waldner brushed aside recent criticism of the "strategic partnership" plan by EU Commissioner for the enlargement Guenter Verheugen. "He has the right to express his scepticism. I have the right to see the chances for Austria." She denied the cooperation would be "against the Union." It would be "within the Union", she said.

Regional cooperation is also viewed sceptically by officials in Prague, which is at odds with Vienna over the Czech nuclear power station at Temelin 60 kilometres from the Austrian border. But the Hungarians have reacted positively. Observers say Austria has turned more to the idea of cooperating with candidates following seven months of political ostracism by its existing EU partners last year.

Recently, Ferrero-Waldner condemned the other 14 EU states' sanctions, against the presence of the FP in Austrian government, as having been "harmful, unjustified, and deeply against European ideals." They had shown that in politics, it was decisive to push through one's own interests, she said.

But Verheugen reacted by sharply criticized the FP. "I see a party in government in Austria capable of appealing to the low instincts of each Austrian and European, and exploiting the theme of the eastward enlargement in an impermissible way." Opinion polls in Austria last year showed majority approval, but strong minority opposition to enlarging the EU.

One poll in August said 53 per cent were in favour and 44 per cent against. In previous years, some polls had even had a majority "no". FP spokesmen say they would be favourably inclined to holding a referendum on the issue.


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