Fundamentalist opponents are spreading hate

publiziert: Donnerstag, 19. Okt 2000 / 11:30 Uhr

Kuala Lumpur - An Islamic fundamentalist party is spreading hatred around Malaysia to challenge the government's rule, said Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

The criticism of the opposition Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party, or PAS, came two days before it is to stage celebrations marking 10 years of leading the government in the northern state of Kelantan. The party captured control of a second state, Terranganu, during elections last year.

Mahathir said in a speech Wednesday that PAS was spreading hatred against the government that could inspire extremists to terrorism and that its leaders were not above the law. One target of his remarks was Nik Aziz, chief minister of Kelantan, who aroused the furor of Mahathir's allies by making political remarks during a religious function in another state, Selangor, in apparent violation of religious regulations.

Syed Husin Ali, leader of the opposition Malaysian People's Party, denounced Mahathir on Thursday and said the Selangor rules came from a directive given by the state's chief minister and had no real standing in law. "As usual, Dr. Mahathir is confused, or deliberately wants to confuse, between rule of law and the rule by law," Syed Husin said.

Police met with Nik Aziz on Wednesday about a recent illegal demonstration by 500 youths in Kelantan against a performance by a woman singer. It was attended by the state's sultan. Mahathir said that demonstrations against performances had been on the rise recently and referred to a popular local singer who had been attacked with a knife in southern Malaysia. "I believe this may be the result of efforts in sowing hatred," Mahathir was quoted as saying by the national news agency Bernama.

In the states where PAS rules, it requires separation of the sexes according to Islamic practice. Female Muslim entertainers performing before men, for example, are a taboo. Demonstrations are not allowed in Malaysia without a permit. No one has claimed responsibility for organizing the recent Kelantan protest. PAS and Mahathir's party, the United Malays National Organization, have urged police to investigate it.

UMNO has long dominated Malaysian politics by garnering support from the Malay Muslim majority, but saw its authority weakened during the past three years by the Asian economic crisis and calls for reform.


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