Police continue siege of Milosevic's house after clearing area

publiziert: Samstag, 31. Mrz 2001 / 09:27 Uhr

Belgrade - Yugoslav police attempting to arrest deposed president Slobodan Milosevic on Saturday morning continued their siege of his home after forcing supporters of Milosevic and journalists to withdraw several hundred metres from the villa.

BK television said that special police forces deployed in the area had been strengthened, but also quoted interior ministry sources as saying that the house itself had not been stormed because it was known that heavy weapons and possibly armoured vehicles were located within the villa complex.

During the night, gunfire had erupted as police appeared to be storming the building. Fire had been exchanged as first a van and then several jeeps crashed through a gate at the back of the house. Volleys of gunshots were heard on at least three more occasions, with shots fired at least once from the house.

Approximately a dozen masked police commandos had been involved in the action, BK television reported. Gunfire eventually subsided, but police stationed an armoured vehicle at the rear gate of the villa. BKTV quoted interior ministry sources as saying that an order for Milosevic's arrest had been issued, but that it must be enforced without loss of life.

At one point during the night it had been reported that Milosevic had been arrested and taken into custody. But this was later denied, and Milosevic himself spoke to radio B-92 by telephone, saying that he was not afraid. It was not known how many armed people were accompanying Milosevic and what organizations - military, police or paramilitary - they belonged to

Earlier reports had said that approximately 20 bodyguards had rejected a state security service order to withdraw and allow other guards to assume responsibility for Milosevic's safety. Earlier, a top official of Milosevic's Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) had told BK television that the deposed president would not surrender or negotiate with police.

Zivorad Igic, one of the deputy presidents of Milosevic's SPS, said that a "human head has no price", apparently referring to international pressure for the extradition of Milosevic to face charges at the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. "They will have to kill us," he told BKTV. Igic said numerous members of Milosevic's family were with him at the villa, but he gave no details.

Other SPS officials were also believed to be inside, including parliamentary faction chief Branislav Ivkovic. The United States government wants the new Belgrade authorities to take concrete steps against Milosevic by a Saturday deadline or face withdrawal of financial aid.


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