U.S. plan likely basis for Israeli-Palestinian peace talks

publiziert: Montag, 25. Dez 2000 / 11:59 Uhr

Jerusalem - Israel and the Palestinian Authority are likely to agree to continue their peace negotiations on the basis of proposals submitted by the United States, the Israeli Ha'aretz daily reported Monday, citing "sources close to the talks".

The proposals, unveiled during the latest round of talks which ended in Washington over the weekend, are said to include giving Palestinians control over Arab neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem. They would also grant the Palestinians some form of control over the Haram-Al-Sharif/Temple Mount Compound in Jerusalem's Old City, which is sacred to both Jews and Moslems.

The proposals also call for allowing Palestinian refugees to settle in a future Palestinian state, with only several thousands being allowed to return to their homes in Israeli territory.

In addition, the Palestinian state would comprise some 95 per cent of the West Bank, and Israel would annex land on which 80 per cent of Israeli settlers live.

Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, who headed the Israeli team at the Washington talks, briefed Prime Minister Ehud Barak and the Israeli "peace cabinet" - selected ministers, legislators and officials - on Sunday night, shortly after his return to Israel. Ha'aretz reported that Ben-Ami felt there was a breakthrough in Washington, and Israel needed to respond positively to the proposals.

But a poll published Monday in the Israeli Yediot Aharanot daily found a small majority of Israelis opposed to the emerging agreement. According to the Dahaf Institute poll, 48 per cent would not support a peace agreement which included Palestinian control of Arab neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem and the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount Compound, allowing Palestinian refugees to return to Israel, and handing 95 per cent of the West Bank to the Palestinians.

Only 43 per cent said they were in favour of such an agreement, and nine per cent did not respond.

The poll found the greatest objection was registered with regard to the clause on the refugees to return, with 72 per cent opposed and only 27 per cent in favour.

Some 57 per cent said they were opposed to any Israeli concessions on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount, with 43 per cent in favour.

However, 60 per cent were willing to transfer Arab neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem to Palestinian control, as opposed to 39 per cent who said they were opposed, and 51 per cent said they agreed with Israel transferring 95 per cent of the West Bank to Palestinian control. The poll was conducted among 501 adults, and had a 4.5 per cent margin of error.

Barak, who faces elections for the premiership on February 6, is desperate to reach an agreement to boost his chances of winning another term. The premier currently trails opposition leader Ariel Sharon in the polls. dpa jab sc


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