Australia lauds Bush's Kyoto backflip

publiziert: Freitag, 30. Mrz 2001 / 09:15 Uhr

Sydney - Australian officials and business leaders Friday weighed in with support for U.S. President George Bush's decision to repudiate an international agreement to cut greenhouse gases signed in Kyoto, Japan, four years ago.

Bush has rejected the Kyoto Protocol, claiming it is unfair because only rich countries were set targets for reducing emissions. Prime Minister John Howard said Bush was right to insist that poor countries sign up to quotas for reducing greenhouse gases.

"We'll continue at an international level to argue and advocate a comprehensive agreement that involves everybody," Howard said. The U.S. produces 30 per cent of the world's greenhouse gases, but on a per capita basis Australia is the world's worst polluter with almost 2 per cent of emissions despite accounting for just 1 per cent of the global economy.

Signed by 84 countries in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol needed ratification by at least 55 countries to become legally binding. Negotiations broke down in the Hague last year after the U.S., Canada, Japan and Australian refused to agree terms with European Union countries on individual country targets.

For Australia, ratification would have meant agreeing to keep its increase in emissions to 8 per cent above the 1990 level in 2010. It was one of just three countries that held out for increases in greenhouse gas emissions in Kyoto. Australia's climate change negotiator, Environment Minister Robert Hill, said the Kyoto Protocol was a dead letter now that the U.S. had pulled out.

"I don't think the Kyoto Protocol will succeed without the United States," he said. Australia had always said it would only sign after the U.S. had done so. David Buckingham, head of the private sector Business Council of Australia, welcomed Washington's stance, saying it had injected "a healthy dose of realism" into the search for a solution to global warming.

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has praised President Bush for walking away from Washington's Kyoto Protocol commitments. "I think the Bush Administration is absolutely right to take a very strong is not good at all if a whole lot of countries need do nothing...if China and India and Brazil can go ahead and pollute the environment to their hearts' content because we're all feeling a bit sorry for them," Downer said.

Officials in Canberra have admitted that Australia won't be able to live up to its Kyoto commitment. Earlier this month the government reduced taxes on petrol, making it even less likely that its relatively modest Kyoto undertakings could be met.

Australian petrol prices are half those in most European countries, its most popular car has a four-litre engine and one in four new vehicles registered is a gas-guzzling four-wheel-drive.


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