Bush and Chretien put emphasis on trade in first meeting

publiziert: Dienstag, 6. Feb 2001 / 09:58 Uhr

Washington - Trade was a primary topic Monday when Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien became the first foreign leader to pay a call on new U.S. President George W. Bush.

Bush told reporters before he and Chretien adjourned to dinner that he would push free trade issues in Congress, especially a Free Trade Area of the Americas, which seeks to break down trade barriers among 34 North American, South American and Caribbean countries. It is a priority for both Bush and Chretien. "A free-trading hemisphere is going to benefit Canada; it's going to benefit the United States," Bush said.

Both leaders stressed the good relations between their countries and the respect they have for one another but said little about the substance of their talks. But they were expected to take up some divisive issues, including the national missile defence system planned by the United States, along with indications from the Bush administration that it will allow oil and natural-gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, which Canada has balked at for environmental reasons.

But both leaders said Monday that they intended to work together and down-played talk of potential trouble in the relationship between the conservative Bush and the Liberal Chretien, who is close friends with Bush's predecessor and political rival, Bill Clinton. Bush called Canada "our closest friend", adding, "I look forward to not only reaffirming our friendship with the country, I look forward to developing a friendship with this good man here."

However, much to the dismay of the Canadians, Bush broke a long- held tradition that the first foreign visit a new U.S. president makes is to Canada. Bush, instead, will go to Mexico, the country that borders Texas, the state where Bush used to be governor. That visit will come February 16 and will take Bush to Mexican President Vincente Fox's ranch. According to media reports, the Canadian government did everything in its power to make sure Bush at least met Chretien beforehand in Washington.

Canada and the United States have always enjoyed good relations - along with a trading partnership that now reaches nearly 500 billion dollars a year. Accompanying Chretien to Washington were Foreign Minister John Manley and Defence Minister Art Eggleton, who met their American counterparts, Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld.


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