Child slave ship suspect sought in West Africa

publiziert: Sonntag, 15. Apr 2001 / 16:25 Uhr

Nairobi/Cotonou - Authorities in Western Africa Sunday were seeking to question a businessman and two associates about the alleged transportation of children for slave labour, according to broadcast reports.

Benin's Social Protection Minister, Ramatou Baba Moussa, said the businessman was in Gabon, apparently awaiting the arrival of a ship carrying the children, according to a BBC report.

The vessel, which has been turned away from several ports, has not been seen since Thursday and concern is growing.

Aid officials in Benin say they are worried that its captain may have tried to off-load the children.

The Nigerian-registered ship, the Itinero, left the Cameroonian port of Doula on Thursday and has not been seen since, said police in the small West African nation of Benin.

The ship began its journey from Benin three weeks ago but was turned away by authorities in Gabon and Cameroon because they were tipped off about its human cargo.

Benin police say the ship is carrying 250 Beninois and Togolese children who had been "sold" by their parents in exchange for promises they would be taken to a wealthier country where they would be given jobs and attend school.

"The Benin police have contacted the authorities all along the coast of West Africa," said Esther Guluma, the Benin representative of the United Nations children's agency, Unicef.

"We assume the ship is now off the coast of Nigeria or perhaps Benin, but there is no way of knowing," Guluma said Saturday in an interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

She described trafficking in children in West Africa as a major problem.

The decision by the Gabonese and Cameroonian authorities to reject the ship was "a good sign that there is increasing awareness among governments in West and Central Africa that trafficking in children is illegal," Guluma said. "A lot of action has been taken recently to make sure that governments reinforce legislation against it in their countries."

The trade is usually conducted by unscrupulous individuals rather than organized cartels and the children who fall victim are generally between the ages of eight and 15.

"The traffickers tell the parents they are taking the children for a better life, that they will earn money and send money home and even go to school," Guluma said.

"What usually happens is they are sent to plantations, they are paid nothing or next to nothing, their conditions of work are very very hard, they do work that is not good for children's development, sometimes they are sexually molested and obviously they do not go to school."

The children are sometimes sold for sums as little as $15. "It is not so much money that changes hands as false promises," Guluma said.

There is no indication of the conditions for the children on board the Itinero, but the ship refuelled and re-stocked before leaving Doula. "We hope there is sufficient food and water," Guluma said.

Aid agencies in Benin have put in place plans to help the children should the ship return there and police have promised to prosecute the traffickers and perhaps the parents.

But Guluma isn't certain that will happen. "I can't tell you I have a lot of hope the boat will dock in Cotonou."


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