Neo-Nazi crime expected to rise in Germany in 2001

publiziert: Montag, 1. Jan 2001 / 13:47 Uhr

Berlin - Surging neo-Nazi crime in Germany broke all post- unification records in 2000 and is likely to rise again this coming year, a top official warned on New Year's Day.

The warning came in a New Year's message from Wolfgang Thierse, speaker of the German Bundestag lower house of parliament. In the remarks, prepared for release Monday evening local time, he called on all Germans to work together to overcome complacency and prejudice, which he said are the twin sources of rightwing violence.

Up to 10 people were believed slain in suspected rightwing violence during the past year. In all, there were 11,752 reported right-wing extremist crimes in Germany during the first 10 months of 2000, according to the Federal Criminal Bureau - already more than in any year since unification in 1990. The year-end total was expected to be well in excess of 12,000.

Vowing a crackdown, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder banned a rightist group called Blood & Honour and began steps to ban the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) following evidence it is forging ties to skinhead gangs.

In a New Year's speech, Schroeder said that incorrigible right- wing wing extremists had no place in society and added that racist and xenophobic offenders had to feel the full weight of the law.

Thierse said he welcomed Schroeder's plans to file legislation later this month which would ban the NPD.

Federal authorities have expressed fears the violent far-right - said to number 50,000 - may shift to terrorism like that used by the far-left Red Army Faction (RAF) from the 1970s to early 1990s. The RAF killed numerous German industrialists, bankers and politicians during this period.

Berlin police were alarmed after seizing sniper rifles and pipe bombs in October from neo-Nazi cells known as "Kameradschaften". Weapons and explosives have been recovered by police from rightists on several occasions this year in different parts of the country.

"There is a danger that terrorist structures could be formed," warns Heinz Fromm, the head of Germany's Verfassungsschutz, or domestic security agency. During the past year, horrific rightist killings occurred, mainly in eastern Germany where a neo-Nazi youth culture continues to flourish.

A 39-year-old Mozambique national was beaten to death by three skinheads last June in a park in the eastern city of Dessau. At the trial one of the skinheads said he kicked the man because he "hated him".

In the eastern Baltic Sea town of Ahlbeck a 51-year homeless man was beaten to death by four neo-Nazis in July. The rightists told police they hated the homeless and wanted to expell such people.

Western Germany also witnessed apparently rightist inspired killings.

In June three police officers in Dortmund were shot dead by man belonging to the extremist Republicans and the German People's Union parties. The 31-year-old killer, who reportedly "hated" the police, committed suicide.

Since 1990 at least 94 people have been killed by rightists in Germany.


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