Divers shift search for bodies in sunken submarine

publiziert: Freitag, 3. Nov 2000 / 11:21 Uhr

Moscow - After failing to enter a shattered forward compartment in the sunken nuclear submarine Kursk, Russian and Norwegian divers on Friday moved their search for bodies toward less damaged areas of the vessel, an official said.

Divers cut through the outer hull of the fourth compartment overnight, and were expected to pierce a thicker inner hull by late Friday or early Saturday, Northern Fleet spokesman Capt. Vadim Serga said.

"We hope to find more crew remains in the fourth compartment, which served as living quarters for the crew," Serga said in a telephone interview. The compartment held bunks, a kitchen and a room for meetings and social activity.

It was the 15th day of the delicate operation to recover remains of the 118 men who perished when the Kursk exploded and sank to the bottom of the Barents Sea on Aug. 12. Twelve bodies have been recovered so far, all of them from the submarine's stern.

On Thursday, Russia's Navy chief, Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov, barred divers from entering the third compartment after a video camera inserted on a long rod showed extensive internal damage. The divers risked puncturing their bulky pressure suits or cutting their air hoses if they ventured inside the compartment, which held delicate navigation instruments and the periscope.

"We saw the maze of mangled metal inside the compartment there, making it clear that the divers couldn't go inside without risking their lives," Serga said.

Officials had previously said most of the crew were located in several forward compartments, and were likely blown to bits by the explosions. But navy officials then reversed their opinion without explanation and directed divers to attempt a recovery effort in the forward areas.

"The survey by video cameras couldn't immediately answer the question whether any bodies could be found in the third compartment," Serga said Friday.

Russian media have speculated that the divers were actually trying to retrieve secret codes and sensitive equipment in the bow. The Navy has denied the allegation.

At least 23 sailors survived the initial explosion in the submarine's stern, as indicated by a letter found on the body of Lt. Dmitry Kolesnikov. Of the 12 bodies recovered, eight had been identified as of Friday.

Kolesnikov was buried in a solemn funeral Thursday, and on Friday a funeral ceremony was held for another crewmen, Warrant Officer Viktor Kuznetsov, in his native city of Kursk. The submarine was named after the western Russian city, which became a pool for recruits.

The cause of the Kursk's sinking remains unknown. Russian officials favor a theory that a collision with a foreign submarine set off the powerful blasts. But others have said the most likely reason was a torpedo exploding in its tube because of a technical malfunction.


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