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Dot Net Assembly on NuGet

publiziert: Montag, 29. Aug 2016 / 14:31 Uhr

The full ASPSMS functionality is available as very easy to install NuGet package.

1 Meldung im Zusammenhang

NuGet is a so-called package management system which allows a simple way to manage software components within a development system. Updates can easily be installed and, above all, are held Up-To-Date. is basically platform-neutral, but is used, for example, for the administration of many developing components within Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Even Microsoft itself uses NuGet for providing key components.

The ASPSMS Dot Net Assembly is available at the following URL:

On the following URL you can download a complete C# Visual Studio 2013 sample website for sending SMS. No separate web server is required, everything runs locally without any changes.

Complete Visual Studio 2013 sample project with Dot Net Assembly:


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