Barak pessimisitic as three more Palestinians die

publiziert: Freitag, 10. Nov 2000 / 18:39 Uhr

Jerusalem - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak warned his countrymen Friday not to expect a quick renewal of peace talks, as intense clashes between Israelis and Palestinians continued in the occupied territories, with three Palestinians reported killed.

Israeli soldiers shot dead two Palestinian demonstrators during clashes in the Gaza Strip Friday, Palestinians said. One, a 23-year-old man, was hit in the head by a rubber-coated metal bullet, while a 17-year-old youth died after being hit in the chest by a plastic bullet.

A Palestinian was also reported shot dead near Jenin, in the northern West Bank, after being hit in the head. Israel Radio reported an Israeli soldier was critically wounded during a gun battle near the holy shrine of Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem. He apparently took a bullet in the throat.

Barak, speaking on the eve of his upcoming visit to the United States, said he did not expect his meeting with U.S. President Bill Clinton to lead to a renewal of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which have been stymied by the intense violence between the sides.

"I would lower the expectations of all of us," he told reporters after visiting Israeli soldiers in the West Bank.

Any renewal of negotiations would have to take into account the events of the past weeks of violence, Barak said, adding that "we are constantly turned to the possibility of an escalation in the confrontation (with the Palestinians)".

Palestinian President Yassir Arafat arrived in Washington earlier this week, and met with President Bill Clinton for a discussion which reports called "unproductive".

Arafat is scheduled to visit the U.N. on Friday to press his proposal for an international force to serve as a buffer between the Israelis and Palestinians. Israel rejects the Palestinian demand.

Friday saw fierce clashes throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with the sides engaged in gunbattles in some locations, notably Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hebron, where the gunfire was described as "heavy".

According to reports, the Israeli Army encircled Ramallah and Bethlehem after the gunbattles. Not for the first time, the unrest spread to Israeli territory, as Israeli-Arabs hurled rocks at passing vehicles near the town of Uhm-el-Fahm, near the northern West Bank.

In Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem dozens of youth battled Israeli police, after being forbidden to attend Moslem prayers at the el-Aksa Mosque. They threw firebombs at the police before being dispersed.

As in previous weeks, Israeli authorities limited attendance at the prayers to those above 45 years of age. Police say they have intelligence reports that riots could take place after prayers, and add that youth usually participate in such rioting.

Earlier Friday, an Israeli border policeman was lightly wounded in the hand when an explosive device went off next to a group of police officers standing near the Old City of Jerusalem.

More than 200 people, the overwhelming majority of them Palestinians, have been killed since the violence erupted at the end of September, and thousands have been injured. dpa jab ok jbp sc


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