Israeli copters fire missiles at targets in Gaza Strip

publiziert: Dienstag, 3. Apr 2001 / 21:56 Uhr

Gaza - Israeli army helicopter gunships fired missiles Tuesday evening against targets in the Gaza Strip, eyewitness reports said.

Israeli navy boats off the coast also fired on Gaza, they said.

The targets included buildings of the Palestinian elite unit Force 17, which supplies the bodyguards of Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat.

Information on possible casualties or damage was not immediately available.

The Israeli assault followed a Palestinian mortar attack Monday afternoon on the Israeli settlement block of Gush Katif in the southern Gaza Strip, injuring an infant boy, his mother and another person, Israel Radio reported.

The infant was seriously wounded, while the other two suffered only slight to medium injuries. Ambulances evacuated them to a hospital in the Israeli town of Beersheeba.

An Israeli cabinet minister rejected Tuesday an Egyptian-Jordanian proposal to renew the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, thus dashing hopes of a quick end to the violence which has plagued the region for more than six months.

Right-wing Minister Without Portfolio Danny Naveh said the plan - which has not yet been officially presented to Israel - was really a disguised Palestinian initiative to "drag" Israel "into negotiations under fire".

"I suggest that this plan not be presented to us, because Israel cannot agree to it," Naveh said.

He was indirectly backed by army chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, who repeated the Israeli government's line that no negotiations could take place until and unless the Palestinians ended their uprising.

Meanwhile, Israel released three Palestinians abducted over the weekend on suspicion they were involved in attacks against Israelis, but who were subsequently found to be innocent.

The three were part of a group of six members of the elite Palestinian Force 17 unit who were taken by Israeli soldiers in Palestinian-controlled territory north of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

The decision to release the three was taken after it emerged during their interrogation that they had not been involved in attacks on Israeli soldiers and settlers.

Israel has said Force 17 members are behind a recent wave of attacks against its citizens but Hussein Al-Sheikh, commander of the Palestinian Fatah organization in the West Bank, has threatened that Palestinians will begin employing the methods of assassination and kidnapping, which he said Israel has used against the Palestinians.


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