Lieberman and Cheney follow their leaders in debate

publiziert: Donnerstag, 5. Okt 2000 / 16:45 Uhr

Danville - Dick Cheney and Joseph Lieberman square off in a campaign debate Thursday to sell their White House tickets, their own leadership credentials _ and perhaps deal with the echoes of scandal raised and dismissed by their bosses two nights earlier.

After days of practice, the Republican and Democratic vice presidential nominees meet here at Centre College for their one, 90-minute debate of the campaign. An estimated 46.5 million in the United States watched Tuesday's Bush-Gore debate, according to Nielsen Media Research. Fewer viewers are expected to tune in for Cheney-Lieberman since the understudies generally attract less attention then the men who want to be president. Lieberman's biggest assets may be a manner that at times allows him to criticize without appearing to, his experience in debating on the Senate floor and his sense of humor, analysts say. After watching their leaders debate Tuesday night, Lieberman said it was a sign of desperation for Bush, the Republican presidential nominee, to go after President Clinton _ by indirection, not by name _ while questioning Gore's character and disputing his credibility. Cheney effectively started it back at the Republican National Convention, saying Gore was trying to shed Clinton baggage but that it was impossible to see one without thinking of the other. Gore chose not to counterattack on the character issue in the debate in Boston, and as he campaigned Wednesday, although he made a point of reminding voters again that he is running as his own man and wants to be judged for who he is. Bush campaign officials on Wednesday challenged several of Gore's debate statements, including his tale about a Florida high school student who had to stand because there weren't enough desks for her overcrowded science class. She did, but only for the first day of class. Republicans said it was a fresh example of Gore's "embellishments and exaggerations. Cheney was even more blunt: "Al Gore, once again, made up facts," he told the Republican National Committee in Washington. Gore declined to take the bait. "I think it's time to make our country an even better country instead of trying to make another candidate out to be a bad person," he told a crowd in the Democratic stronghold of Warren, Ohio, on Wednesday. "I think we need to build our country up instead of tearing somebody else down." Lieberman said he thought Bush's "attack on Al Gore and his character was very unfair and not what the campaign should be about." The vice presidential candidates' wives appeared on morning talk shows Thursday to talk up their husbands' strengths. Lynne Cheney said her husband was "relaxed and ready" heading into the debate. "I know Dick has found it important when he's been out on the campaign trail to talk about important things that have not happened in the last 7 1/2 years," Mrs. Cheney said a television interview. She mentioned Social Security reform and prescription drugs for seniors. Hadassah Lieberman said she told her husband, "The best thing you have, Joe, is yourself. Just be yourself _ everyone loves you, you're great." When asked to remark on a recent radio appearance in which her husband said he would be willing to meet with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, Mrs. Lieberman said, "He's going to have to speak to a lot of people, and some of those people are not going to agree with him. Hopefully, Joe's reputation has always been for being able to sit down with people and, you know, bring them in to the circle." There have been vice presidential debates in five campaigns, the first, in 1976, marked by Sen. Bob Dole's assertion that all the wars of the 20th century were "Democrat wars," and Sen. Walter F. Mondale's reply that the Republican nominee had proven himself the hatchet man. That was one exception to the pattern in which the running mate debates tend to center on issues and differences of the presidential nominees, rather than on the No. 2 candidates. So the agenda set in Tuesday's debate _ taxes, Medicare, Social Security, energy, abortion, education and, near the end, Bush's slap at Gore on the character issue _ may foretell the talking points to come Thursday in Danville.


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